GEMPACK Windows Program Problems

I am having trouble with GEMPACK Windows Programs (ViewSOL, TABmate, AnalyseGE, RunGEM etc).

You may need to set the Environment variables GPTEMP and GPKEEP to something simple. You may also need to set the Environment variable TMP to something simple.

Setting the GPTEMP or GPKEEP Environment Variable

If set, GPTEMP controls where temporary files are created and GPKEEP controls where INI files are stored. [These programs use INI files to remember information from when you last ran them, and to remember your preferences.]

It's best to set GPTEMP and GPKEEP to short directory names which do not contain spaces or non-English characters. For example, you could set:

GPTEMP to C:\temp

GPKEEP to C:\mykeep

To see what Environment variables are set, go to a DOS box and, at the Command prompt, type "SET" or "SET | more".

To set Environment variables, select My Computer

Right-mouse-click and select Properties | Advanced | Environment Variables

Set environment variables GPTEMP and/or GPKEEP to appropriate values.

Setting the TMP Environment Variable

If your User profile contains non-English characters or spaces, it may cause problems. You do not need to change your User profile. Instead you can set the User Environment variable TMP to be something simple like C:\TEMP. [Follow the procedure above to do this.] Make sure that there is a folder or directory called c:\TEMP on your computer. If not, create a new directory called TEMP on C: drive. Make sure that you can write files to this directory.

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