GEMPACK Documentation for Release 6.0 (October 1998)

The main Release 6.0 GEMPACK documentation consists of five documents:

[GPD-1] "An Introduction to GEMPACK", Fourth edition, October 1998.

[GPD-2] "User's Guide to TABLO, GEMSIM and TABLO-generated Programs", Second edition, April 1994.

[GPD-3] "How to Create and Modify GEMPACK Header Array Files Using the Program MODHAR", Third edition, April 1993.

[GPD-4] "Release 6.0 of GEMPACK - New Features and Changes from Release 5.1 and 5.2", Second edition, October 1998.

[GPD-8] "Getting Started with GEMPACK: Hands-on Examples", First edition, October 1998.

There are also documents relating to the installation and use of GEMPACK on DOS/Windows PCs.

PDF versions of documents GPD-1 to GPD-4 and GPD-8 above are available.
These contain formatting (bolding etc) and diagrams. A free reader is available from Adobe for files of this type (see below).

After downloading any of the document files listed below, you must unzip them before attempting to print or read the documents they contain.

To print or view the PDF versions of these documents you will need to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader (which is available at no cost) if you do not already have it.

GPD-1 [save this as file GPD1-PDF.ZIP] (440K)
[The document in this ZIP file is called GPD1.PDF (approx 200 printed pages)]

GPD-2 [save this as file GPD2-PDF.ZIP] (340K)
[The document in this ZIP file is called GPD2.PDF (approx 150 printed pages)]

GPD-3 [save this as file GPD3-PDF.ZIP] (70K)
[The document in this ZIP file is called GPD3.PDF (approx 30 printed pages)]

GPD-4 [save this as file GPD4-PDF.ZIP] (350K)
[The document in this ZIP file is called GPD4.PDF (approx 170 printed pages)]

GPD-8 [save this as file GPD8-PDF.ZIP] (220K)
[The document in this ZIP file is called GPD8.PDF (approx 100 printed pages)]