CoPS在中国有很多重大的国际项目。中国经济的快速增长以及向市场经济的转型意味着中国需要更精准的政策分析工具。自2005年以来, CoPS帮助中国开发了几个大型的模型能力建设项目, 并参与了很多政策咨询和科研项目。第一个大型的能力建设项目是为湖南大学开发了一个大型的中国动态CGE模型, 并为其研究生和博士生提供了多期模型强化培训。第二个大型项目是在由澳发署(AusAID)资助的中澳政府项目中为中国国家信息中心(SIC)开发了包含有独特劳动力市场模块的大型动态CGE模型, 并对国家信息中心的项目人员进行了系列强化培训。第三个大型项目是在澳大利亚政府气候变化方案资助下, 为国家信息中心进一步开发了气候变化模块以及多区域动态CGE模型。
CoPS在运行CGE模型的软件开发领域也一直处于世界领先地位。全球范围内有90多个国家的600多家机构在使用CoPS开发的GEMPACK软件。在中国有60多家机构在使用GEMPACK软件, 包括国家信息中心、农业部、中国人民银行、中国科学院、中国水利水电科学研究院、中国社会科学院、 中国农业科学院、北京大学、清华大学、中国人民大学、复旦大学、南开大学以及湖南大学等。GEMPACK软件具有运算快速、 允许建模经济理论和闭合灵活变化、数据库构建高度透明以及接纳复杂的模拟设计等优点。根据用户的需要和建议, GEMPACK 软件在不断地升级和完善。
开放性一直是CoPS的宗旨, 包括公开模型资料和提供模型培训。1978年CoPS举办了世界上第一次CGE模型培训。自2000年以来, 超过1000人参加了CoPS的培训课; 其中, 有60%的学员来自澳大利亚之外的35个国家和地区。 CoPS每年都在中国举办CGE模型培训。有关CoPS的模型培训计划, 请参考CoPS的模型培训网页。
电话: +61 3 9919 1492
One of CoPS’ major international programs is in China. China’s rapid growth and transition to a market economy means it requires sophisticated economic tools for policy analysis. Since 2005, CoPS has been engaged in several major capacity-building projects and many research and consulting projects in China. For the first capacity-building project, with Hunan University, we developed a large-scale dynamic CGE model of China, and provided intensive training for its graduate students. For the second project, under the AusAID funded China-Australia Governance Program, we built a large-scale dynamic CGE model with an innovative labour market module for China State Information Centre (SIC) and provided a series of intensive training for the SIC’s staff members. For the third project, under Australian government climate change scheme, we built a climate-change module and a dynamic multi-regional model for SIC.
From these projects have come two large-scale CGE models of China:
CoPS is a world leader not only in the creation of CGE models, but also in the development of CGE modeling software. GEMPACK is used by thousands of researchers in over 400 organizations at over 90 countries in the world. In China there are more than 60 institutes, organizations and universities using GEMPACK software including China State Information Centre (SIC), Ministry of Agriculture, People’s Bank of China, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China, Fudan University, Nankai University, Hunan University and others. GEMPACK enables quick and efficient computation, flexible changes in model theory and closure, transparent database construction and the design of complex simulations. The software is continuously developed in response to user needs and suggestions.
Openness, including transparent documentation of models and provision of training, has always been part of the CoPS philosophy. In 1978, CoPS provided the world's first training course in CGE modelling. Since 2000, over 1000 participants, 60 per cent of them from 35 countries other than Australia, have attended CoPS training courses. Courses are held annually in China, and are often oversubscribed. See more details about upcoming courses.
We also provide free downloadable training material, some of which is translated into Chinese.
For further information contact:
Dr. Xiujian Peng
Ph: +61 3 9919 1492