Map Files

Before the solution file can be viewed within RunGTAP or used by modules such as DECOMP or GTAPVOL, it must be converted to a Header Array (HAR) File using SLTOHTA. A text file, suffixed MAP, may be used to control which variable results are copied to the HAR file, and the headers at which such variables are located.

The MAP files, such as GTAP.MAP, should consist of lines as follows:

cols 1-4


col 5


cols 6 plus

varname NOT followed by any dimensions

The header names in GTAP.MAP are irrelevant: the file serves only to select which variables will be visible within RunGTAP. [Exogenous variables which are not mentioned in GTAP.MAP may not be available for shocking.] The Tools..Options dialog allows you not to use GTAP.MAP -- in this case all variables appear on the RunGTAP results page.

The header names in other map files are important. DECOMP.MAP includes mappings for GTAPVOL.

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