Notes on altering GEELAST

Prof Hertel inquired:

I want to use GEELAST to compare two GTAP-type models. One is relatively standard and one is rather different. After a bit of fiddling, I cant seem to figure out where to dig in to modify the appropriate CMF file do this for the non-standard model (sagem.cmf?). Can you direct me to the right doco?


Search in the RunGTAP help for keywords PRICELAS, GEELAST and GEELAS. In topic Notes for Module Developers, the short Description of less obvious module components lists

GTAP.CLG: the closure used for SAGEM GE Elasticities.

GEELAS.MAP: pipes results from SAGEM to GEELAS program.

You should study also GEELAS.TAB. In version modules, you can activate or disactivate the GEELAST -- it is often switched off.

Note that

(a) if your non-standard model has very different theory, GEELAS.TAB will need to be changed.

(b) Substituted variables, needed by GEELAS, are recovered by repeating in GEELAS equations which are in main model -- the two TABs must be consistent.

(c) GEELAS.TAB re-uses some coefficients to conserve memory -- leading to less transparent code.

Delete the GEL file to force RunGTAP to recompute the GEL. Switch on developer mode and jump into the work folder...You will see the PRODUCED files:

File SAGEM.cmf:

Verbal Description = GEelast run;

solution file = GEelast;

File GESLTOHT.inp:

geelast ! sl4 file

File PricElas.cmf: [input to GEELAS]

File GSLTOHAR = c:\rungtap5\work\geelast.sol;

showing sequence of jobs and files. RunGTAP.BAT had:

SAGEM.exe -cmf SAGEM.cmf >SAGEM.log


GEELAS.exe -cmf PricElas.cmf >PricElas.log

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