[This note is aimed mainly at those preparing an edition of ONEGTAP for distribution.]

ONEGTAP is a version of RunGTAP used for training purposes which uses a simplified, one-region version of the GTAP model. The main program (RunGTAP.EXE) is the same as RunGTAP, but additional TAB files and special versions are supplied. The right-hand pane of Version...Modules dialog is used to ensure that these versions (Base, foodsub, labortax, land) use the special TAB files (Decompo, Gtapo, Gtpvewo, Gtpvolo) and that the SHOCKS and GEELAS modules do not run (nb., all these settings should be version-specific).

In addition, the following files are different for OneGTAP:

RUNGTAP.BMP (the picture), RUNGTAP.TIT (text on opening page), RUNGTAP.TXT (text on 2nd page), and OPTIONS.INI (self documenting INI file). (see Files which must be present in the RUNGTAP directory).

In the OPTIONS.INI file you could set PlayMusic=0 (activate lines by removing leading semicolon).

See also: Using several different copies of RunGTAP and OPTIONS.INI.

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