Files in version sub-directories

These fall into three groups: those which must be present, those which ought to be present, and those which may be present:

Files which must be present in each version sub-directory

VERSION.TXT contains the text on the Version Info page. If this file is missing RunGTAP will not see the version subdirectory. Each line in VERSION.TXT is a paragraph on screen. Max 255 chars per para. Edit in Microsoft Word or WordPad but remember to save as a text file. If the first character of the file VERSION.TXT is a blank, RunGTAP will display the file using a monospace font (Courier). First line of the file VERSION.TXT is used as a one-line descriptor in the Change Version file dialog.

Base data files have fixed names:


SETS.HAR (sets)

DEFAULT.PRM (HAR parameters file)

An EXP file: there must be one file suffixed EXP. EXP files must contain a closure and some shocks. They may optionally contain lines:

Method = and Steps = - if not Johansen is assumed.

Verbal description = - if not ? is assumed.

file gtapparm = - if not default.prm is assumed.

The file named in the file gtapparm line should NOT have a full path; eg, correct is:

file gtapparm = exp2.prm;

RunGTAP may remember which EXP file a user was using with a particualr version last time. Otherwise, if there is a file named DEFAULT.EXP, RunGTAP will load that first. Otherwise, the alphabetically first EXP will be run.

It is good practice to ensure that whenever a version is newly opened, the EXP file which is loaded by default does contain a valid experiment.

Files which may optionally be present in version sub-directories

CMFSTART contains lines you want RunGTAP to add to the CMF file.

CLS (closure) files are simply that part of a CMF which refers to the closure (from Exogenous down to and including Rest Endogenous). You may not read the closure from an LU or environment file.

SHK files are text files of shock values. If RunGTAP finds a file named as follows: varname + .SHK it assumes that varname is the power of a tax and that the file shows what % changes in the power would be needed to remove the tax.

RunGTAP automatically use the SHOCKS program to make a series of 100% liberalization shocks, named as follows: to.shk tf.shk tpi.shk tpd.shk tgi.shk tgd.shk tfi.shk tfd.shk txs.shk tms.shk. Any or all of these files are optional.

PRE files are text files of shock values. If RunGTAP finds a file named as follows:

varname + digit 0-9 + .PRE

it assumes that it is a text file containing shock values appropriate to that variable.

SHF files are specifications of complete sets of shocks as they would appear in a CMF file. You can write values directly or refer to files of shock values. File names are presumed to refer to the version subdirectory. Comments are allowed. The first comment line should be a short description of the files contents - this will appear in the Load Shock file dialog.

If VITAL.FIL is found in a version directory it NOT used -- this is a change from previous editions of RunGTAP.

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