Versions of the GTAP model

RunGTAP allows you to choose between several different versions of GTAP. Switch between versions with the Version..Change menu command.

Most of the versions use the same underlying GTAP model (as specified in the TAB file) and so share the same theoretical specification. The main difference between these versions is the number of goods and countries. Other differences might include the parameter settings, or any specially prepared files of shocks, closures, or experiments.

A few versions use their own special variants of the GTAP model, and so have their own special TAB and associated files. The Version..Modules menu command displays which TAB files are used for the current version.

The Version page should contain information about the current version.

Each version corresponds to a subdirectory of the RunGTAP directory. The subdirectory has the same name as the version and contains a collection of files that make up the version.

The Version menu item also allows you to Delete or create New versions.

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