Gloss to see Cross-reference table

After running TABLO, you can click on any variable, coefficient or set and press the Gloss button to display the Full Gloss: a list of every statement in the file mentioning that token. For a coefficient, say, the first few of these statements will usually furnish a definition. The remainder show how the coefficient is used. Line numbers accompany each statement; you can left-click on a line number to jump to that location in the TAB file and close the Gloss window (middle-click or Ctrl-click jumps without closing Gloss window).

If you press Gloss when the cursor is not on a variable, coefficient or set, you get a Brief Gloss showing the definition of each variable, coefficient or set mentioned in the current statement.

You can also choose either Full Gloss or Brief Gloss from the popup menu which appears when you right-click. Or, Ctrl-right-click on a variable or coefficient name to instantly launch the Gloss window.

If you click on a variable and request a Full Gloss, TABmate will highlight (yellow lineno) the statement where the variable appears on the left-hand of an = sign. Usually, this will be the equation that defines the variable.

If you gloss on levels variable X, the gloss also shows occurrences of linear (percent-change) variable p_X.[This only works if you ran TABLO check without error].

Cross-reference information may not be up-to-date, if you changed the TAB file since running TABLO.

If you have several TAB files open, each maintains its own gloss window, which accumulates information that you requested.

At top right of the Gloss window there are two buttons:

the button marked H (History) lets you control whether results of previous glosses are accumulated.

the other button lets you increase or decrease the font size used in the Gloss window

You can press F7 instead of clicking the Gloss button.

Shift-F7 will reopen the gloss window (with previous information still there)

Ctrl-F7 discards previous information, and shows new information.

Ctrl-C copies selected text (but the red line numbers are not copied).

Right-click or press spacebar or ESC to close the Gloss window.

Mini-Gloss or Hints

If you hold down the Alt key (or the middle mouse button) and pass the mouse over any variable, coefficient or set, a hint appears showing the declaration (definition) of that item. Also, Ctrl-Shift-space shows the same information for the token under the caret.

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