
set elements read style = flexible; ! not recommended

.!.relaxes TABLO rules about set element names .. see also check-on-read

scale equations = yes|NO ; ! See GEMPACK manual for details

start with MMNZ|MMNZ1 = <integer value> ;

! Sets initial memory allocation for

! nonzeros in GEMSIM or Fortran 90 TABLO-generated programs.

! See GEMPACK manual.

simulation = YES|no ; ! no means do formulas and writes only.

simulation = analyse-closure ; ! make SL4 file for AnalyseGE to show closure

levels results = YES|no ; !no to switch off levels results

assertions = YES|no|warn; ! default is yes

Harwell parameter = <u_value> ; ! default is 0.1

verbal description =

<line 1>

<line 2> etc, until

<last line> ;

! last line ends with ;


Harwell parameter = 0.4 ;

verbal description =

Stylized Johansen; standard data.

Labor shock. ;

model = <name> ; ! not needed, obsolete

version = <integer> ; ! not needed, obsolete

identifier = <identifier> ; ! not needed, obsolete

New for GEMPACK 9.0

arithmetic problems = warn|FATAL ;

start with MMNZ2 = <integer value> ;

MA48 increase_MMNZ = slow|medium|FAST|veryfast ;

complementarity approx_as_subtot = first|last|yes|no ;

complementarity subtotals = approximate|accurate;

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