The Run CMF button is visible if you are viewing a CMF or a TAB file.

If you press it, you can run the viewed CMF or a CMF associated with the viewed TAB file.

If you were viewing a CMF file when the Run CMF button was pressed:

You need to specify the associated TAB file

If you were viewing a TAB file when the Run CMF button was pressed:

You need to specify the CMF file

In each case TABmate will try to make a sensible suggestion.

It is assumed that the CMF, the associated TAB, and any auxiliary files (GSS, GST, AXS, AXT, EXE) are all in the same folder.

You can choose to use GEMSIM or a TABLO-generated EXE.

If you choose to use GEMSIM

GSS and GST files named after the TAB must exist and must be created after the TAB file was last modified.

GEMSIM.EXE must be in your GEMPACK folder.

If you choose NOT to use GEMSIM

AXS and AXT files named after the TAB must exist and must be created after the TAB file was last modified.

the EXE file named after the TAB must exist and must be created after the AXS file was last modified.

The job is launched in a command prompt in the same folder as the CMF. You can do other TABmate work while the job runs.

You can choose to automatically close the command prompt when the job is done -- although in that case you may not notice if the job failed.

As of May 2013 this facility is less sophisticated than the corresponding facility offered by WinGEM. Unlike in WinGEM:

TABmate does not alert you when the job finishes.

There is no mechanism to see if the job finished OK.

There is no mechanism to list (and perhaps view) output files.

It is intended for fairly quick and simple jobs. Perhaps in future more features may be added -- suggestions are welcome!

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