Number of Decimal Places

You can select from 0 to 6 decimal places, using a combo box at the left of the tool bar.

As well, there are 3 further options, Sci, Flex and AccFlex:

Scientific format is good for very large or very small numbers.

Flexible format adjusts the number of decimal places to the size of the number, attempting to display about 3 significant figures.

AccFlex, or Accurate Flexible format is similar to Flex, but it shows 7 significant figures and drops down to scientific notation for very tiny numbers.

Shares are always displayed with at least 3 decimal places, regardless of the current setting of the decimal places combo box.

Note that:

a true zero is always displayed as '0'. So "0.0000" must be a tiny non-zero.

the single precision numbers used by GEMPACK are only accurate to 6 or 7 significant figures (about 1 part in 10 million). So trailing digits on huge numbers are not significant. See How Accurate is ViewHAR?

If you want to copy/paste numbers to Excel with the greatest precision, use the Sci or AccFlex options.

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