A GEMPACK Licence May Be Required

Normally a Release 7.0 (or later) GEMPACK licence is required to use AnalyseGE.

However, no licence is required to use AnalyseGE for small Solution files.

For example, if you are working with the ORANIG model, you will not probably not require a GEMPACK licence if your data base has less than 40 sectors. However, if your data base has more than 40 sectors, you will require a GEMPACK licence.

As a second example, if you are working with a variant of the GTAP model, you will probably not need a GEMPACK licence if you are working with an aggregation with only 3 regions and 3 tradeable commodities. But you will need a GEMPACK licence if your aggregation has 12 or more regions or tradeable commodities.

There are various types of GEMPACK licences available. The least expensive is called an Introductory licence. To obtain an Introductory GEMPACK licence (the cost is approximately $400 Australian), you must contact GEMPACK.

Up-to-date information about GEMPACK licences, including Introductory licences, and their prices is available on the GEMPACK Web site at address


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URL of this topic: www.copsmodels.com/webhelp/analysege/hc_gplicreq.htm

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