Analysing Results from a Subtotal

You can load a subtotal result (rather than the cumulative solution) and analyse that.

To do this, select the menu item Load subtotal… under the File menu on the AnalyseGE form. You will first be asked to specify the name of the Solution file which contains the subtotal result. Then AnalsyeGE checks the file to see how many subtotals results are on this file, and asks you to indicate (via the descriptions of the subtotals) which one you wish to load. [The descriptions are shown on the AnalyseGE form in the top right-hand corner where the GEMPACK licence information is normally displayed.]

You click on the description for the subtotal you wish to load and then click on the Subtotal selected button to tell AnalyseGE that you have made your selection.

After that, AnalyseGE proceeds as normal except that the simulation results loaded are those for this subtotal (rather than for the cumulative result).

We are grateful to Hans van Meijl who suggested it could be useful to analyse a subtotals result.

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