Old job still running

If you cancel a simulation while it is running you might get the message Old job still running. Although RunGTAP has stopped waiting for the old simulation to finish, you may not start another simulation until the previous job has either:

(a) finished by itself, or

(b) been terminated by you.

If you do try to start another simulation before (a) or (b) has occurred you will again get the message Old job still running.

To perform (b) look on the task bar (often at the bottom of the screen) and find the command-prompt icon labelled "RunGTAP task in progress". Click on that icon to enlarge the window, then terminate the job by clicking on the X mark at the top right of the DOS window. Ignore any protests by Windows.

If you cant find the "RunGTAP task in progress" icon, it may have finished by itself, while you were reading these instructions.

URL of this topic: www.copsmodels.com/webhelp/rungtap/hc_canceljob.htm

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