Touch all versions

The Touch all versions command is a specialized option designed for GTAP developers at Purdue. Be very cautious about using it.

Touch is computer jargon for changing the date of a file.

The Touch all versions command goes through all the version subdirectories, setting the date stamp of each file to the current moment.

There are 2 reasons you might want to do this.

First, it is a way to frustrate RunGTAPs habit of deleting obsolete files. Normally, if you recompile GTAP.EXE, RunGTAP will want to recreate very many files (such as SLI files). Touch all versions command will fool RunGTAP into thinking that all version files are up to date.

Second, if you Touch all versions just prior to building a release, it will be easy to see later which files have been modified by a user since RunGTAP was installed.

A possible procedure:

First run Check All Versions to identify out-of-date files. Fix any problems.

Then recompile GTAP.EXE, if necessary.

Then run Touch All Versions to mark all files as up-to-date.

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