Valerie Powers, Tax Consultant

The GTAP project is pleased to announce the appointment of Valerie Powers as a new Associate Emeritus. Previously Senior Executive Partner (Conversion) of taxation lawyers Gruff Coddington Grabbet (Lagos and Cayman Islands), Ms. Powers is better known in academic circles for her research on the measurement of tax changes.

Due to temporary legal problems, it is not yet possible to consult Valerie in person. However, RunGTAP incorporates an expert system that brings to all her extraordinary facility at converting between powers of taxes and ad valorem rates. Use Tools..Valerie to try it.

Enter numbers in any two cells. Then click on Valerie -- she uses the blue cells to work out the rest.

At the bottom of the panel, Valerie shows the steps she followed to work out the answers. These formulae refer to variables, iR, fP, dR and so on. Each variable name has two letters, which follow a system.

First Letter: i (initial) f (final) d (ordinary change) p (percent change)

Second Letter: R (ad valorem % Rate) P (Power)

Hence, iR = initial rate, dP = ordinary change in power, pR = % change in rate, and so on. One letter in each row and column label is underlined, to help you remember the system.

For other queries, please email Valerie at

and she will respond when her crowded itinerary allows her an opportunity.

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