64-bit and 32-bit ViewHAR

Since 2018 ViewHAR  (and other GEMPACK Windows programs) are available in two versions: 64-bit and 32-bit.

If you are using 32-bit Windows, the GEMPACK install program will install the 32-bit version.

If, as is more usual, you are using 64-bit Windows, the GEMPACK install program will let you choose (but by default installs the 64-bit version).

The Help..About command shows which version you are using now.

The differences between the two versions are:

A 32-bit program can use no more than 4GB or RAM (memory). A 64-bit program can use as much memory as is available (usually 8, 16 or 32 GB).

32-bit versions of ViewHAR (and other GEMPACK Windows programs) mostly use single precision, which saves memory. 64-bit versions use double precision so are more accurate; see How Accurate is ViewHAR?. The downside is, they use twice as much memory.

Probably you will not often notice the difference, but if your PC has more than 8GB of RAM, the 64-bit version will let you load larger data files.


URL of this topic: www.copsmodels.com/webhelp/viewhar/hc_bitness.htm

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