File Open Errors

An error will occur unless the file being opened is a header array file created by a GEMPACK program. Other possible causes of errors could be: a shortage of memory, a programming error, or a file which is too large to handle.

Although it is possible for GEMPACK to create header array files that contain no data, ViewHAR does not allow you to open such files.

If you see a message like:

Bad details at header "INT1"

Unrecognized Data Type QQ

it may be that this file contains data in a newer format, not recognized by your version of ViewHAR. A more recent version of ViewHAR might enable you to see this data.

Normally ViewHAR will refuse to open a file which it cannot interpret fully. However, if you selected the Ignore Bad Headers option, you may get a warning message only -- then ViewHAR will show you the data that it was able to read.

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