Viewing Several Files at Once

A ViewHAR session can only examine one file at a time. However, several ViewHAR sessions may be run simultaneously. To compare two files, open a second ViewHAR session (i.e., launch ViewHAR again, perhaps using the File..Another ViewHAR or Programs menu command).

At the bottom right of the ViewHAR window is a button divided into 9 sections, like this:


The button is designed to help you arrange ViewHAR sessions side-by-side (or above and below). Click the middle top section of the button to make ViewHAR fill the top half of the screen; click the middle left section to make ViewHAR fill the left half of the screen; and so on.Click corners to move ViewHAR to a quarter of the screen. Clicking the middle section makes ViewHAR fill the middle part of the screen.

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