File Already Open

If you open the same file twice, ViewSOL gives a warning and asks if you would like to delete the previous view of that solution file. Either

(a) the solution file has not changed, so the solution values you just read in are identical to the previous set; or

(b) the solution file has changed, so the solution values you read in before are now out of date.

In ViewSOL, you see the solution file as it was when you opened it. ViewSOL reads the whole of each solution file into memory and after that takes no notice of the SL4 file on disk. If you open the file TEMP.SL4 in ViewSOL, and then generate another TEMP.SL4 (overwriting the old one) the numbers in ViewSOL are still from the previous version. Now if you open TEMP.SL4 again, you have the choice of seeing just the new values or seeing the old and new numbers together.

As always, the solutions are numbered in the order in which they were opened. If you choose not to close the old solution, the newer solution will have a higher number.

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