Format Files

ViewSOL remembers between sessions which variables are hidden and in what order they should be displayed. The information is stored in a file called DEFAULT.FMT in the

GPKEEP folder, and might (for example) be located at:

C:\Documents and Settings\TheAdmin\My Documents\GPKEEP\ViewSOL\default.fmt

DEFAULT.FMT is read in when ViewSOL starts up.

If the Format option Always list all variables alphabetically is checked the variable order in DEFAULT.FMT will be re-arranged alphabetically.

The above arrangements is aimed at the person who habitually works with the same model and has one preferred format for results. Once the right settings have been made, they will persist between sessions. Suppose, however, a user had two distinct results formats, both frequently used. It would be inconvenient to manually reorder and hide variables each time the other format was needed.

ViewSOL therefore allows the user to save or load a particular format file by name. You might create two such files, LONG.FMT and SHORT.FMT, containing lengthy and brief results presentations.

Say you load LONG.FMT and then hide or reorder variables. These changes will be automatically saved in DEFAULT.FMT but not in LONG.FMT, unless you explicitly re-save LONG.FMT.

Advanced users can edit FMT files using a text editor.

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