Header Mapping Files

The GEMPACK program SLTOHTA can be used to turn an SL4 file into a SOL (type of HAR) file which you can examine with ViewHAR.

By default, results for each variable are stored at headers 0001, 0002, 0003 and so on, and variables appear in the same order as they appeared in the model TAB file.

Optionally, a Header Mapping file can be used to specify

that only some some variables appear in the SOL file

the header associated with each variable

You can create a Header Mapping file in a text editor such as TABmate. Each line consists of:

a 4-character header in columns 1-4

a blank in column 5

a variable name in columns 6 onward

Lines beginning with '!' are treated as comments and ignored.

Example fragment of a Header Mapping file used in GTAP

! then the allocative efficiency effects

AEFI CNTalleffir




The last line causes the variable CNTqfmr to be stored at header QFMR.

URL of this topic: www.copsmodels.com/webhelp/viewsol/hc_headermapfile.htm

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