The Charter and the Magic Letter

Suppose you are using ViewSOL in conjunction with the Charter to graph time series showing the path of GDP in both a base and a policy solution. How can you tell, by looking at the chart, which solution is which?

To address this problem ViewSOL adds a Magic Letter to the end of the series name that it sends to the Charter, if you click on a row label. The two series would be labelled gdp(B) and gdp(P) in the Charter. This only happens in Time Series mode, and only when a row (not column or top-left) label is right-clicked.

The Magic Letter is B, P, or D corresponding to the Cumulative view of Base, Policy or Difference solutions. For Year-on-year results the corresponding Magic Letter is lowercase, ie, b, p, or d.

Copy/Pasting to Excel

The Magic Letter is also appended to the top left cell of any table you copy to the clipboard -- to help you remember which numbers you paste to Excel.

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