Open SL4 file in ViewHAR

You can view SL4 files in either ViewSOL or ViewHAR -- each has its own advantages. You might open a solution in ViewSOL, and then wish instead to use ViewHAR. The ViewSOL File menu item Open SL4 file in ViewHAR makes this easy.

Although ViewSOL is designed to display SL4 files conveniently, it has one serious disadvantage: it will not display variables with 4 or more dimensions.

ViewHAR will display SL4 files in a way similar to ViewSOL, but showing higher-dimension variables. ViewHAR also shows row and column totals for ordinary change variables, which is often handy for interpreting "contribution" variables, constructed to decompose results. And ViewHAR allows you to compare (find differences between) two SL4 files.

However, compared to ViewSOL, ViewHAR's presentation of a solution has several limitations:

you can only see one solution at once

you cannot see solution Subtotals

you cannot see which variables are exogenous

you cannot see "levels" solution numbers

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