Loading Version Archives

The File..Version Archive..Load ZIP menu command causes all the files stored in a ZIP archive to be installed as a new version. It is expected that the ZIP file was created by the RunGTAP Version Archive..Create ZIP command

RunGTAP will first ask you to choose the name and location of the ZIP file. Then you must supply a name for the new version: RunGTAP will suggest the same name as the zip file. RunGTAP will then create the new version and load it as the current version.

If you choose a version name that is already in use, RunGTAP will ask if you want to overwrite the existing version. You will be presented with 3 options:

Yes: existing version will be replaced with the new version.

No: You will be asked to suggest a new name for the version you are loading.

Cancel: Abandon the whole operation.

See also Using Version Archives

URL of this topic: www.copsmodels.com/webhelp/rungtap/hc_loadverzip.htm

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