Files in the Version subdirectories

Each version corresponds to a subdirectory of the RunGTAP directory. The subdirectory has the same name as the version and contains a collection of files that make up the version. RunGTAP offers you various ways to create files in the version subdirectory, but provides no way to delete such files (unless you use Version..Delete -- which removes the whole version). You would have to close RunGTAP and then use Explorer, File Manager, or the DOS command line to delete individual files. The purpose of this section is to describe these files in general terms and in particular to list the files that you must not delete.

Files which you should not delete

VERSION.TXT contains the text on the Version Info page. If this file is missing RunGTAP will not see the version subdirectory.

BASEDATA.HAR contains the base flows data

SETS.HAR contains the sets

DEFAULT.PRM is the default parameters file. Like the preceding two files it is in HAR format.

An EXP file: there must be one file suffixed EXP; if there are several, RunGTAP will look for one it used before or one called DEFAULT.EXP -- if it doesnt find that it picks by alphabetical order.

VERSION.SLI file is needed for the assisted method of creating shocks.

BASEVIEW.HAR and BASERATE.HAR are the base data GTAPView outputs

CMFSTART contains information that RunGTAP transmits to GTAP.EXE

Be careful about deleting files with the following extensions (suffixes):

SHK and PRE files contain shock values

PRM files are HAR files of parameters.

These three file types may be referenced by EXP files. In addition RunGTAP expects that there will be an SHK file for most tax variables. RunGTAP attempts to regenerate all the SHK files if any are missing or obsolete.

You can delete the following file types:

PEL and GEL files contain the partial and general equilibrium elasticities derived from the corresponding PRM file. RunGTAP attempts to regenerate them if they are missing or obsolete.

SHF files are specifications of complete sets of shocks.

EXP files contain data needed to recreate experiments (NB, leave at least one file suffixed EXP).

CLS files are used to store closures.

See also Derived files in version subdirectories

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