3rd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, 2000

During June 2000 CoPS hosted the 3rd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis in Melbourne.
The program (with downloadable papers) is shown below.

Participants 2000 GTAP Conference in MelbourneParticipants (click to enlarge)


Tuesday June 27

19.00 Opening Reception

Conference opened by Professor Peter Darvall, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Monash University.

19.45 Dinner

Wednesday June 28

8.45-10.15 Plenary session Major Model Developments
Chair: Ken Pearson, Monash University

Peter Dixon, Monash University
An Overview of MONASH
[Joint paper with Maureen Rimmer]

Tom Hertel, Purdue University
Recent Developments in Global Economic Modeling using GTAP

Discussant: Will Martin, World Bank

10.15-10.45 Coffee Break

10.45-12.15 Parallel Sessions 1

Two parallel sessions. Each contains 3 papers.
Each paper is allocated 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.

Session A: Agricultural Trade I
Chair: Brian Parmenter

Frank van Tongeren
Review of Agricultural Trade Models: An Assessment of Models with
EU Policy Relevance

[Joint paper with many others]

Chantal Nielsen
Genetic Engineering and Trade: Panacea or Dilemma for Developing Countries
[Joint paper with Sherman Robinson and Karen Thierfelder]

Erinc Yeldan
An Inter-Temporal, Multi-Region General Equilibrium Model of Agricultural
Trade Liberalization in the South Mediterranean NIC's, Turkey and the European Union
[Joint paper with Ali Bayar and Xinhsen Diao]

Session B: China I
Chair: Mark Horridge

Arjan Lejour
China and the WTO; The Impact on China and the World Economy

Terrie Walmsley
China's Accession to the WTO: Timing is Everything
[Joint paper with Tom Hertel]

Fan Zhai
The Implications of Accession to WTO on China's Economy
[Joint paper with Shantong Li]

12.15-13.45 Lunch

13.45-15.15 Parallel Sessions 2

Two parallel sessions. Each contains 3 papers.
Each paper is allocated 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.

Session A: Agricultural Trade II
Chair: Peter Dixon

Tom Hertel
Partial Liberalization of the World Sugar Market: A General Equilibrium Analysis of
Tariff-Rate Quota Regimes
[Joint paper with Aziz Elbehri, Merlinda Ingco and Ken Pearson]

Kym Anderson
Potential Gains from Trade Reform in the New Millennium
[Joint paper with Joe Francois, Tom Hertel, Bernard Hoekman and Will Martin]

Sherman Robinson
North American Farm Programs and the WTO
[Joint paper with Mary Burfisher and Karen Thierfelder]

Session B: Greenhouse
Chair: Maureen Rimmer

Rob Dellink
Dynamics in an Applied General Equilibrium Model with Pollution and Abatement

Johannes Bollen
Decomposing Carbon Leakage - an Analysis of the Kyoto Protocol
[Joint paper with Ton Manders and Hans Timmer]

Brian Parmenter
Analysis of Greenhouse Policy using MMRF-GREEN
[Joint paper with Philip Adams and Mark Horridge]

15.15-15.45 Coffee Break

15.45-16.45 Parallel Sessions 3

Three parallel sessions. Each contains 3 papers.
Each paper is allocated 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

Session A: Human Capital, GTAP Data and Infotech
Chair: Philip Adams

Guido van Steen
Accumulation of Human Capital in Developing Regions

Betina Dimaranan and Robert McDougall
GTAP 5: A Large-Scale Data Base Construction Project

Yongkyu Kim
The Economic Importance of the Information and Communications
Technology (ICT) Industry in Korea: A CGE Approach
[Joint paper with Seog-Woong Moon and Dong-Pyo Hong]

Session B: Trade Liberalisation and Distribution Margins
Chair: Maureen Rimmer

Peter Wobst
Devaluation Under Decreasing Marketing Margins Through Infrastructure Investment

Scott Bradford
Paying the Price: The Welfare Effects of Trade Barriers and Inflated
Distribution Margins in OECD Countries

Piyush Tiwari
A Computational General Equilibrium Analysis of the Efficiency
Effects of Ports in Japan
[Joint paper with Masayuki Doi and Hidekazu Itoh]

Session C: Trade: Africa and Europe
Chair: Brian Parmenter

Susanna Wolf
From Preferences to Reciprocity: General Equilibrium Effects of a Free Trade Area Between the EU and the UEMOA

Leena Kerkela
Renegotiating the Lome Convention - Trade Policy Schemes and
their Effects for African Regions
[Joint paper with Janne Niemi and Risto Vaittinen]

Marcelle Thomas
Trade and Agricultural Policy Reforms in Zimbabwe: A CGE Analysis
[Joint paper with Romeo Bautista]

17.00-18.30 Plenary session Issues in Trade Policy
Chair: Tom Hertel

Dominique van der Mensbrugghe, World Bank
A New Perspective on Wages and Globalization
[Joint paper with David Roland-Holst]

Hans van Meijl, Wageningen-UR Agricultural Economics Research Institute LEI, The Netherlands
The Agenda 2000 CAP Reform, World Prices and URAA GATT-WTO
Export Constraints
[Joint paper with Frank van Tongeren]

Discussant: Richard Snape, Productivity Commission

19.00-19.45 Wine Tasting

19.45 Dinner

Thursday June 29

8.45-10.15 Plenary session Practical Aspects of GE Modelling
Chair: Peter Dixon

Robert McDougall, Purdue University
An International Services Trade Data Set for CGE Modelers

Mark Horridge, Monash University
AnalyseGE: Software Assisting Modellers in the Analysis of their Results
[Joint paper with Ken Pearson and Tom Hertel]

Discussant: Frank van Tongeren, Wageningen-UR Agricultural Economics Research Institute LEI, The Netherlands

10.15-10.45 Coffee Break

10.45-12.15 Parallel Sessions 1

Two parallel sessions. Each contains 3 papers.
Each paper is allocated 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.

Session A: Demand Systems and Parameter Estimation
Chair: Mark Horridge

Channing Arndt
Estimating Trade Elasticities for GTAP: A Maximum Entropy Approach
[Joint paper with Jing Liu and Tom Hertel]

Wusheng Yu
Integrating the AIDADS Demand System into the GTAP Model
[Joint paper with Tom Hertel, James Eales and Paul Preckel]

Kim Martin Lind
Estimating Food Demand Behaviour - The Case of India
[Joint paper with Soren Elkjaer Frandsen]

Session B: Methodological Developments
Chair: Ken Pearson

Ronald Wendner
Heterogenous Capital and Fixed Investment Shares in Multi-Sector Dynamic CGE Modeling
[Joint paper with Karl Farmer]

Kevin Hanslow
A General Welfare Decomposition for CGE Models

Robert Waschik
A Computable General Equilibrium Model of Endogenous Coalition Formation
in Trading Blocs
[Joint paper with Timothy Fisher]

12.15-13.45 Lunch

13.45-15.15 Parallel Sessions 2

Two parallel sessions. Each contains 4 papers.
Each paper is allocated 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

Session A: Greenhouse
Chair: Maureen Rimmer

Chung-Huang Huang
Baseline Forecasting for Greenhouse Gas Reductions with the TAIGEM Model
[Joint paper with Ping-Cheng Li, Hsing-Hua Lin, Shih-Mo Lin and Shih-Hsun Hsu]

Shih-Hsun Hsu
Energy Substitution in CGE Modeling Using the "Technology Bundle" Approach:
The Case of Taiwan
[Joint paper with Ping-Cheng Li and Chung-Huang Huang]

Sharn Enzinger
Greenhouse and La Trobe Valley Energy

Huey-Lin Lee
Energy-using Consumer Durables in a CGE Model of Taiwan:
The Case of Motor Vehicles

Session B: Trade Liberalisation and Developing Countries
Chair: Philip Adams

Erly Cardoso Teixeira
Impacts of MERCOSUL, AFTA and WTO Round Agreements on the
Economies of Argentina, Brazil and Chile
[Joint paper with Sebastiao Renato Valverde]

Rajesh Chadha
Computational Analysis of the Impact on India of the Uruguay Round and the
Forthcoming WTO Trade Negotiations
[Joint paper with Drusilla Brown, Alan Deardorff and Robert Stern]

Rina Oktaviani
The Impct of APEC Trade Liberalisation on the Indonesian Economy
and Agricultural Sector
[Joint paper with Ross Drynan]

Mahinda Siriwardana
Effects of Trade Liberalisation in South Asia with Special Reference to Sri Lanka

15.15-15.45 Coffee Break

15.45-16.45 Parallel Sessions 3

Two parallel sessions. Each contains 2 papers.
Each paper is allocated 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.

Session A: Labour Market
Chair: Frank van Tongeren

Tony Meagher
Applied General Equilibrium Modelling and Labour Market Forecasting
[Joint paper with Philip Adams and Mark Horridge]

Maureen Rimmer
A Wage-Tax Policy to Increase Employment
[Joint paper with Peter Dixon]

Session B: Trade in Services
Chair: Philip Adams

Kevin Hanslow
The Structure of the FTAP Model

Xiao-guang Zhang
Sectoral Impacts of Liberalising Trade in Services
[Joint paper with George Verikios]

17.00-18.30 Plenary session Macroeconomic Aspects of GE Modelling
Chair: Brian Parmenter, Monash University

Finn Tarp, University of Copenhagen
A Standard Bank-Fund Projection Framework with CGE Features
[Joint paper with Henning Tarp Jensen]

Short presentation from each of:
Peter Dixon, Robert McDougall and Warwick McKibbin

Discussant: Sherman Robinson, IFPRI

19.30 Conference Dinner
After Dinner Speaker: Alan Powell

Friday June 30

8.50-9.50 Parallel Sessions 1

Three parallel sessions. Each contains 3 papers.
Each paper is allocated 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

Session A: Methodology/Environment
Chair: Mark Horridge

Shih-Mo Lin
Energy Demand and CO2 Emission Forecasting Using State Space and
Dynamic CGE Models
[Joint paper with Ping-Cheng Li, Shih-Hsun Hsu and Chung-Huang Huang]

Hsiang-Ling Han
New GE Approach to Evaluate Technologies Contributing to Economic
Growth and Reducing Global Warming

Hom Pant
Measurement and Decomposition of Welfare Changes in GTEM
[Joint paper with Stephen Brown, Benjamin Buetre and Vivek Tulpule]

Session B: Trade
Chair: Philip Adams

Allan Rae
Multilateral Approaches to Market Access Negotiations in Agriculture: Processed
Food Trade and Developing Countries
[Joint paper with Tim Josling]

Gouranga Gopal Das
Embodied Technology Transfer via International Trade and Disaggregation
of Labour Payments by Skill Level: A Quantitative Analysis in GTAP Framework

Mingtai Fan
The Impact of China's Trade Liberalization for WTO Accession -
A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis
[Joint paper with Yuxin Zheng]

Session C: Europe
Chair: Ken Pearson

Laurent Cretegny
Swiss Agricultural Policy: A Public Good Approach in a CGE Framework

Dean Spinanger
Germany and Industrial Tariff Reductions: Partial and GE Analysis
of What Didn't Happen in Seattle
[Joint paper with Joseph Francois and Hans Glismann]

H. Guyomard
AGE Assessment of CAP Reform: Implications of Policy Modeling Choices
[Joint paper with A. Gohin and C. Le Mouel]

10.00-11.00 Parallel Sessions 2

Two parallel sessions. Each contains 2 papers.
Each paper is allocated 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.

Session A: China II
Chair: Peter Dixon

Will Martin
Modeling the Impact of China's Accession to the WTO
[Joint paper with Elena Ianchovichina and Emiko Fukase]

Yongzheng Yang
GTAP-Based Comparative Static Macroeconomics: An Application to
China's Policy Options
[Joint paper with Rod Tyers]

Session B: Technology Spillovers
Chair: Frank van Tongeren

Hiro Lee
Trade and Transmission of Endogenous Growth Effects: Japanese Economic Reform as an Externality for East Asian Economies
[Joint paper with David Roland-Holst]

Arjan Lejour
Openness, Growth and R&D Spillovers: Uncovering the Missing Link?
[Joint paper with Richard Nahuis]

11.00-11.30 Coffee Break

11.30-13.00 Plenary session Practical Policy Analysis
Chair: Brian Parmenter, Monash University

Panel Discussion. Panel members are:
Praveen Dixit (USA: United States Department of Agriculture)
Vince FitzGerald (Australia: Allen Consulting Group; formerly Secretary,
Department of Employment, Education and Training)
Akira Kawamoto (Japan: MITI)
Richard Snape (Australia: Productivity Commission)

13.00-14.30 Lunch