Derived files in version subdirectories

Some of the files stored in version subdirectories are derivative -- they can be regenerated by RunGTAP from other, more basic files.

For example, the file BASERATE.HAR, which shows initial tax rates, is generated by the GTAPView program from the core flows data file BASEDATA.HAR. Hence, if either of the files GTAPView.EXE or BASEDATA.HAR is changed, BASERATE.HAR should be regenerated.

The file VERSION.SLI in each version subdirectory is the most important derivative file. It contains information about the names and dimensions of sets and variables, and depends on the files GTAP.EXE and SETS.HAR. If either of these change, RunGTAP deletes VERSION.SLI and issues a warning.

RunGTAP contains three mechanisms to assist in keeping derivative files up-to-date.

When RunGTAP starts up, or whenever you load a new version, RunGTAP scans the current version and deletes obsolete files.

Whenever the model is solved, any missing or obsolete derivative files are regenerated.

In Developer mode, an independent checking routine reports missing or obsolete files for the current or all versions.

Normally, it is easy to run a simple Johansen simulation to regenerate any missing or obsolete derived files. See Run test simulation. However, this will not be possible for the user who is not able to change or create files in the version subdirectories -- see Check Versions.

List of Derived Files in Version Subdirectories

BASEVIEW.HAR (data summary) produced by GTAPView.EXE from BASEDATA.HAR.

BASERATE.HAR (tax summary) produced by GTAPView.EXE from BASEDATA.HAR.


Each parameter file (suffixed PRM) should give rise to the following two files:

???.PEL (partial equilibrium elasticities) produced by PEElast.EXE from ???.PRM and BASEDATA.HAR.

???.GEL (general equilibrium elasticities) produced by SAGEM and Pricelas.EXE from ???.PRM and BASEDATA.HAR.

Files of standard tax shocks, TO.SHK, TMS.SHK, TGI.SHK, etc, produced by SHOCKS.EXE from BASEDATA.HAR

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