Sorting Data View

You can sort columns and rows in data view by clicking on the column or row titles using either middle mouse button or combination of ALT key and left mouse button or by selecting a column and row and then choosing Sort Rows By Column (F7) and Sort Columns by Row (F6) items from the Edit - Sort Header menu.

Initial sort is ascending showing data in smallest to largest order.

Repeating the sort on the same column or row will show data in descending order from largest to smallest.

While the data is sorted, a small triangle will be shown in the right side of the column title or left size of row title that will indicate which column or row is currently sorted and ascending or descending sort order.

To return to the original view of data, select Restore Original Order (F5) from Edit - Sort Header menu.


You cannot paste into a sorted data view.

Exporting to Clipboard or CSV file while data view is sorted will result in a warning that data will be exported in current sort order and that data cannot be pasted back from clipboard in this sort order.


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