
In the GEMPACK modelling system, text files suffixed TAB are used to specify economic models. TABmate is designed to be used for modifying and debugging these TAB files. It is particularly useful for navigating large or complex TAB files.

The special features of TABmate are:

Colours, bolding and italics are used to highlight the syntactical structure of the TAB file. This makes it easier to understand the TAB file, and to spot errors within it. For example, keywords are rendered in bold; a mis-spelt keyword will not show bold and so attracts attention. Comments appear in blue -- so it is easy to see which sections of the TAB file have been commented out.

Without leaving TABmate, you can quickly locate any syntax or semantic errors in a TAB file. TABmate uses the GEMPACK program TABLO to scan the TAB file. It marks any errors and displays TABLO error messages.

After running TABLO, you can click on any variable, coefficient or set and press the Gloss button to display a list of every statement in the file, which mentions that token. For a coefficient, say, the first few of these statements will usually furnish a definition. The remainder show how the coefficient is used. Line numbers accompany each statement; you can click on these to go straight to that location in the TAB file.

Tables of Coefficients, Variables and Equations can be generated which may be used to document your model.

TABmate can suggest the correct choice of exogenous variables for your model: see Closure.

TABmate is also a general-purpose text editor, which allows you to open and work on several files at once.

If you want to syntax-check TAB files, you will need to have the TABLO program installed, which requires a GEMPACK licence.

See also   What's New   Using TABmate   Tools Menu   Keyboard Commands   Options Menu.

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