Regional GE Modelling Course

This course was last held in 2015 (photo).

Please send queries and registrations of interest to Louise Pinchen.
Numbers will be limited to approximately 20 persons, who must each bring and use their own laptop.


This course introduces participants to regional computable general equilibrium modelling. Participants will also acquire hands-on experience with GEMPACK software, used to solve CGE models. The course is structured around VURM, a multi-Regional forecasting model (formerly called MMRF). VURM is a dynamic bottom-up regional model, of Australia's six states and two territories. The model is widely used as a tool for regional economic analysis. Applications have included evaluations of the consequences of changes in regional and national fiscal policy, cost-benefit assessments of large projects and major events, impacts of competition policy reforms, and analysis of greenhouse issues. Versions of the model have also been used in Brazil.

Rationale for the regional GE modelling course

The course should appeal to:

Course Outline

The course aims to introduce participants to the ideas and techniques of regional CGE modelling, and to equip them to start using, adapting or constructing such models for their own simulations. By the end of the course, participants will have been introduced to:

Course Program

The course is delivered as an integrated series of lectures and hands-on practical computing exercises. The course is designed as an intensive live-in program, with fairly long work hours. The course material and program are as follows

Monday: commence 9.00am
Introduction to basic structure of a regional CGE model
Theoretical structure of the VURM model
Overview of GEMPACK software
Computing: introductory simulation, hands-on with GEMPACK

Tuesday: commence 9.00am
Theoretical structure of the VURM model (continued)
Computing: terms of trade shock with VURM
Computing: analysing how data and equations affect simulation results

Wednesday: commence 9.00am
Forecasting and policy simulations with VURM
Computing: dynamic policy simulations with VURM

Thursday: commence 9.00am
Interpreting results of dynamic policy analysis
Introduction to the TERM model
Group simulations with VURM

Friday: commence 9.00am
Group simulations with VURM: report preparation
Group presentations on VURM reports
Course ends approximately 4:30pm

Documentation and Software

Course participants receive a folder, containing:

At the end of the course participants receive one or more CDs, containing:

Note: If you wished to contruct and run your own multi-regional CGE model, perhaps by adapting VURM, you would need a Source code GEMPACK licence. This is not supplied as part of the course materials.

Assumed Background

Previous hands-on experience in solving GE models is not required, although students will find it helpful to have attended a GEMPACK-based training course such as the Practical GE Modelling course or the GTAP course.

We expect that course participants have:

Preparing for the course

You should study some material prior to the course, especially if you are new to GEMPACK (or your GEMPACK skills are rusty). Two single-region CGE models, both designed for teaching and both using similar notation to VURM, are good introductions to the basic structure of VURM: the very simple MINIMAL model and the more complex ORANI-G model. We suggest that you:

Bring your own laptop

You must use your own laptop for the Regional CGE course. See these Laptop Requirements.

2009 Course Fees

All fees include GST:
$A3850 (academic or student)
$A4750 (other)

This covers course materials (including software), morning and afternoon teas and 4 dinners. It does not cover accommodation, lunch or breakfast.

Applications and Payment Details

Registration and Payment

A registration form can be downloaded and emailed to

Louise Pinchen. Options for payment can be found on the registration form.


Participants are required to arrange their own accommodation. See these options.

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