The Data Window

The Data window contains one of 9 different types of table, depending on:

the dimensionality of the variables to be viewed

whether Filtering for specific set elements is switched on.

whether more than one solution is open

whether vector results are to be grouped by size (and perhaps also by set)

The first 6 types of table are available only when Filtering for a specific set element is switched off:

1 MacroGroup

This table contains all scalar variables, one row per variable. If more than one solution is open, each solution has its own column. Mouse actions work on the variable names.

2 VectorNameGroup

This table is available only when vectors are arranged by name (not size). It contains the values for a single vector variable, one row per element. If more than one solution is open, each solution has its own column.

3 VectorSizeGroup

This table is available only when vectors are arranged by size (not name). It contains the values for all vector variables of a given length. Each variable has its own column, one row per element. Only values from the current solution are shown. Mouse actions work on the variable names. Warning: ViewSOL assumes that vectors of a given length do in fact range over the same set. The displayed set labels are those which really belong to the variable in column 1.

4 Individual

This table shows an individual matrix (2-D) variable. Both rows and columns correspond to set elements. Only values from the current solution are shown.

5 ThreeDGroup

This table shows an individual 3-D matrix variable. It appears in the Contents window but cannot actually be viewed in the Data window! See ThreeDFilterGroup below.

The remaining types of table are available only when Filtering for a specific set element is enabled:

6 VectorFilterGroup

This table contains one element of each vector which contains the filter element. There is one row per variable. If more than one solution is open, each solution has its own column. Mouse actions work on the variable names.

7 MatrixFilterNameGroup

This table is available only when vectors are arranged by name (not size). It contains the row or column of some matrix which matches the filter element. The vectors are displayed as columns, even if they are actually rows of the original matrix. If more than one solution is open, each solution has its own column.

8 MatrixFilterSizeGroup

This table is available only when vectors are arranged by size (not name). It contains the values for all the row or column of matrices which both match the filter element and are of a given length. Each variable has its own column, one row per element. Only values from the current solution are shown. Mouse actions work on the variable names. Warning: ViewSOL assumes that vectors of a given length do in fact range over the same set. The displayed set labels are those which really belong to the variable in column 1.

9 ThreeDFilterGroup

This table shows a 2-D matrix which is that part of some 3-D matrix which corresponds to the current filter element. Both rows and columns correspond to set elements. Only values from the current solution are shown.

By default, ViewSOL attaches numbers to set elements that appear as row or column labels of results tables. But you can use the File...Options command to switch off this behaviour.

Variables with more than 3 dimensions are never visible in ViewSOL -- try ViewHAR or AnalyseGE.

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